For businesses, a website is an essential ingredient to capture the attention of prospective customers and tell them that you exist. It is the digital face of your business! But what goes into it? We’ll use the analogy of a house to break it down for you.
But all websites are not created equal. Some are plain bad, most are average, and only a few on the world wide web have the potential to really keep visitors hooked.
What are the components that go into the making of a website that works, engages, and delivers glitch-free user experiences? What are the basic necessities that you must absolutely take care of as far as user security, practicality, and responsiveness are concerned? These things may seem extremely tricky to a layperson, so we are here to help you understand the intricacies of building a great website through a simple analogy of a house! Read on to know more.
Starter Kit For A Website
Domain Name
Just as your house has a unique address of its own, so does your website. A unique, memorable domain name will have a huge impact on website traffic and be great from the SEO perspective.
Ideally, domain names should be short, catchy, and either have your company’s name or be related to the niche you serve. For instance, Google’s domain is straightforward and easy to remember.
Think that the entire process is complicated? Not to worry; our experts will make sure that you end up with a domain name that’s authoritative and helps you build credibility on the web.
Think of a server as an exhaustive library of all the data and files that go into the making of your website. When a user looks for a specific page on your website via the internet, a mix of software and hardware systems — which constitute the server — get to work to find the requisite resources for them.
To explain it simply, we can use the analogy of the land on which your house is constructed. It houses all your assets and prized possessions. The server does exactly the same as it stores critical files that help your website to run smoothly.
While it is possible to have your own servers for your web assets, you need physical space, substantial resources, and time to manage and maintain them. Renting a server makes sense if you need a full-suite of security offerings, complex IT infrastructure, regular software updates, and quick service at affordable prices.
Web Hosting Provider
These are the service providers you need to get in touch with as they own and operate servers. Their responsibility? Making sure that your website stays online 24/7. They ensure that all your web pages are securely stored on their servers and are available on the internet for viewers.
So, a web hosting provider can be described as a landlord. It is similar to renting a house on a block. Just like you, there are other tenants on the block too and just like clinching a good landlord is important, the same goes for your web hosting provider. Having a responsible, experienced web hosting provider is vital for your website’s speed, availability, and of course, to make sure that your files and data are in the right hands.
SSL Certificate
Why does your residential property have a door? Primarily, it is your first line of defense against criminals.
We can say the same thing for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates, which keep you safe from cyberattacks. Simply explained, an SSL certificate verifies the identity of the website and helps to form encrypted connections between web servers and users.
See a little lock on the left side of the address bar? That indicates the presence of SSL certificates, flagged by the mention of ‘HTTPS, instead of simply ‘HTTP.’ These are obtained from verified certification authorities whose digital certificates help users to know whether a website is secure enough. Websites running without one are generally viewed with suspicion.
Components Of A Website
After listing out the basics of website creation, let’s get right into structuring your digital storefront! Here are the things that you should tick off your checklist while building a website:
Header & Menu
If your website is structured properly, a typical user’s journey on it should begin by laying eyes on its header and menu. The header contains elements such as your unique logo, brand slogan, and name.
On the other hand, the menu acts as the key to the entire website. Just like the blueprint of a house helps you visualize how the rooms will be structured, a website’s menu is essentially a structured map designed to help visitors get the details they need about your business and its service offerings.
To give you an example, an e-commerce website will have a menu that lists out all the items it sells — all of which will be neatly divided into categories and sub-categories. Proper demarcation and design of these elements make navigation a breeze for users.
SEO Elements
While many would consider search engine optimization after they have an initial mock-up of the website, we believe that it must be taken seriously right from the start, when you are working on coming up with your website’s domain name. This ensures that the foundation of your website is built on best SEO practices that guarantee a surge in rankings and web traffic.
To give you an example, if while putting out a classified ad to rent out your home, you would use keywords such as “2BHK in Tampa,” or “Affordable Dallas Homes For Sale.” These words immediately draw an average renter’s attention to your ad. That is a part of what SEO does for your website — the use of relevant keywords brings your website to the attention of search engines!
The main purpose of having a website is to boost your brand’s visibility and reach out to a global audience. However, without SEO, getting to the first page of search results may become a distant dream. Thousands of websites go online every day, and yours may get lost in the sea if the basics of SEO aren’t taken care of.
Content & Media
You’d spruce up your home before an open house, wouldn’t you? You’d give your front door a fresh layer of paint to make it look colorful. You’d take care of your landscaping to make prospective buyers stop in their tracks! The words, videos, and images on your website also do exactly that and more.
Let website visitors know what you are all about! Weave a story around your company with the help of words, videos, and of course, images. Apart from technical web elements, these are the factors that can make or break your presence in the online world.
Depending on the type of your website and business, it is essential to have relevant, unique, and engaging content on every web page. Google favors websites with high-quality content; thus, securing better rankings becomes a cakewalk when your words are on the mark.
On the other hand, all words and no images make websites very, very dull. Humans are naturally attracted to visually-appealing elements, so it makes sense to have professional images on your website to ensure that users hang around longer. In addition to this, having the right images becomes all the more critical if your website doubles up as an e-commerce platform for your business. This gives customers a sneak-peek into your inventory.
Final Note
Want experts to craft a website that covers all these elements and more? Make a great impression on prospects with an intuitive, responsive website that reflects your brand, only with On Your Mark, the builders of your dreams in the digital space. Our designers, developers, and quality analysts walk the extra mile to make your company look amazing in the digital world! Let’s get talking?